Adult Forum: Women’s Ordination Anniversary

Adult Forum: Women’s Ordination Anniversary

On July 29th, 1974, eleven women walked into the Church of the Advocate in Philadelphia and, in defiance of their denomination, became ordained priests. Their courageous step was a significant milestone in achieving a long-awaited goal for women in the church.

Last May, following a special screening of The Philadelphia Eleven, a film recounting the journey of women’s ordination, we held a dynamic panel discussion. As time ran short for all of the questions, we’re excited to hold this Adult Forum so the conversation can continue! Whether you were at the screening or not, please join the Revs. Christy Stang, Nancy Brantingham, and Maryellen Garnier for another opportunity to engage on this timely topic.

If you would like to see the film, there will be a showing at 3:00 PM on Friday, July 26th at St. Mark’s Cathedral in Minneapolis. Visit the ECMN Events page to learn more.