Young Adult Service Night

Young Adult Service Night

Join Jimmy Barnett, organizer Gabby Bizal, and other young adults for a fun evening of service and connection. Our goal is to make-up 100 kits with snacks and hygiene supplies that we can keep in our cars and hand out freely to those in need. If you’d like, join us for yoga at 5:30 and/or Evening Prayer at 6:00 before the event!

There are several ways you can participate

  • Purchase items for the kits by signing up via this Sign-Up Genius Form that includes Amazon links to the items we need. Feel free to ship the items directly to St. Stephen’s or bring them with you to the event. Please, sign up if you are donating so we can stay on top of what we still need.
  • Join us for the service night at 6:30 PM. As soon as we are done, we’ll be headed to Town Hall Station for dinner.

Questions? Contact Jimmy Barnett, Minister for Youth & Young Adults