Holy Week & Easter

Holy Week & Easter

Commemorate the Holiest week of the year as we walk with Jesus on his way to the cross. Together we will enter Jerusalem with Jesus on Palm Sunday. Remember the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday. Behold Christ crucified on Good Friday. Be led from darkness into the light of the Resurrection on Easter.

We are pleased to offer many opportunities to participate in worship, fellowship, and formation throughout the week. With both in-person and online services, we hope you’ll join us wherever you are and however you choose to worship!

PALM SUNDAY – April 13

Palm Sunday, or Passion Sunday, marks the first day of Holy Week when we commemorate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

8:00 AM      HOLY EUCHARIST // Chapel
Join us for a special service including the Liturgy of the Palms and Passion Gospel.

10:15 AM      HOLY EUCHARIST ** // Nave &  Live on YouTube
Join us for a special service including the Liturgy of the Palms, the Passion Gospel, and special music.

HOLY MONDAY & TUESDAY – April 14 & 15

12:00 PM     HOLY EUCHARIST // High Altar
Intimate and reflective midday spoken worship.


9:00 AM      MORNING PRAYER // Facebook Live

12:00 PM     HOLY EUCHARIST // High Altar
Intimate, spoken service of Holy Eucharist.


Maundy Thursday is the beginning of our three-day journey through Jesus’ last days. On this day we remember the moment when Jesus washed his disciples’ feet during their last supper together.

This service is for all ages. We will hear the story of Jesus’s last night with his friends and celebrate communion together.

5:45-6:45 PM    COMMUNITY SOUP SUPPER // Gathering Space
Many Christian communities share a simple meal on Maundy Thursday as part of the commemoration of the two maundys, or commandments, of the Lord – to “love one another” and to break bread “in remembrance of me.” Join us before or after worship services in a community Soup Supper.

7:00 PM     MAUNDY THURSDAY LITURGY **  // Nave &  Live on YouTube
This service offers us a personal opportunity to remember The Last Supper through foot washing and the Holy Eucharist. Music will be shared by our Parish Choir and the Lyric String Quartet. The mood turns solemn as we fix our attention on the agony in the garden of Gethsemane and the journey to the cross and crucifixion. The altar, symbolic of Christ, is stripped of its vesture and left bare for the solemnity of Good Friday.

GOOD FRIDAY – April 18

Good Friday is the day we observe the Passion of Jesus Christ: the story of his arrest, torture, and crucifixion. It is a dark day but is integral to our Christian story because it leads to The First Easter Service.

7:00 AM     MORNING PRAYER with COMMUNION // High Altar
This intimate service of Morning Prayer includes Holy Communion from the Reserved Sacrament.

12:00 PM     STATIONS OF THE CROSS // Nave

This service is for all ages. We will begin in the chapel and walk with Jesus through nine stations of the cross. Each station includes prayers and brief activity. 

7:00 PM     PROPER LITURGY FOR GOOD FRIDAY **  // Nave &  Live on YouTube
The Good Friday liturgy is a continuation of the Maundy Thursday rite. We offer a service of scripture, music, and ancient prayer to mark the suffering, crucifixion, and death of Jesus Christ.


9:00 AM     PRAYERS for HOLY SATURDAY // High Altar

7:00 PM   GREAT VIGIL OF EASTER // Nave &  Live on YouTube
The Great Vigil of Easter is the official beginning of the Easter season and a favorite service of many. Worship will include moving music from our Parish Choir. We begin in darkness and the liturgy consists of four parts: The Service of Light, which includes lighting the Paschal candle, The Service of Lessons, with readings that tell the story of redemption from Creation to Jesus Christ, Christian Initiation, in which baptismal vows are renewed, and The Eucharist, the first Eucharist of Easter.

8:30 PM     EASTER VIGIL RECEPTION // Commons Room
Following the Easter Vigil, join us downstairs in the Commons Room for a Celebration of the Risen Christ. The reception is open to all and will include non-alcoholic beverages and champagne accompanied by a variety of desserts. 


Alleluia! Christ is risen! Celebrate and rejoice in the triumph of life over death.
Make an Easter Floral Donation

Join us in celebrating the Risen Lord with a festive service of Holy Eucharist! Our worship will include piano music and the flowering of the cross.

Join us in celebrating the Risen Lord with a festive service of Holy Eucharist! Our worship will include the joy of the season with music from our Parish Choir and the flowering of the cross.

11 AM     FESTIVAL HOLY EUCHARIST ** // Nave and  Live on YouTube
Join us in celebrating the Risen Lord with a festive service of Holy Eucharist! Our worship will include the joy of the season with music from our Parish Choir, the celebration of Holy Baptism and the flowering of the cross.

Join us on Easter morning for a special time of fellowship and our annual Easter Egg Hunt!

** Nursery care will be available at this service. 

Confession During Holy Week

Our Lord Jesus Christ gave the Apostles and their successors, the Bishops, and Priests of the Church, the responsibility to oversee the reconciliation of penitents. (John 20:19-23) The sacramental rite titled “The Reconciliation of a Penitent,” commonly called “Confession,” is an important part of our heritage as Episcopalians. The Book of Common Prayer (1979), provides directions and forms for the Reconciliation of a Penitent (pp. 446-452) and exhorts Episcopalians to go to “a discreet and understanding priest” for the specific help and comfort of penance — “to the removal of scruple and doubt, the assurance of pardon and the strengthening of your faith.” (BCP, p. 317).

Confession is appropriate at any time, particularly so in the penitential seasons of Advent, Lent, and Holy Week. Anyone interested in scheduling confession may contact Rev. Tom Cook (tcook@ststephens.com) or Rev. Christy Stang (cstang@ststephens.com) directly.

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