Easter Floral Donations

Easter Floral Donations

It’s hard to imagine our beautiful church at Easter without all of the lovely flowers and greenery of the season. Help us dress the church for this wonderful time of year by making a floral donation. This is also a meaningful way to celebrate milestones or honor loved ones.

When donating, you may add a dedication in thanksgiving for or in memory of loved ones. Donations in all denominations are welcome. Dedications will be printed in our Easter worship bulletins.

The deadline for donating is Palm Sunday, April 13th

There are two ways to donate –

  • Donate Online. Make your donation on our online giving site by choosing “Easter Floral Donations” in the Gift Type drop-down. Be sure to include your dedication in the Notes Field.
  • Donate via Check. Drop your check in the collection plate on Sunday, mail your check to the church (c/o Deen Hubin,) or contact Deen at dhubin@ststephens.com. Be sure to include any dedication you’d with your check.