New Beacon Affordable Young Adult Housing Announced

In March, the St. Stephen’s Outreach Committee announced their first Outreach Grant award for 2022. This $20,000 grant was given to Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative in support of their  Seeds of Home initiative. This grant is an overarching strategic investment to support Beacon’s continued development of affordable housing in Twin Cities communities. (Read more about this grant here.)

The St. Stephen’s Affordable Housing Ministry Team is excited to share that Beacon recently announced a new affordable housing development in Richfield called Aster Commons. Aster Commons will be a deeply affordable apartment building focused on supporting young adults who may be autistic or diagnosed with ADHD, a traumatic brain injury or fetal alcohol syndrome, or in other ways identify as neurodivergent.

The St. Stephen’s Affordable Housing Ministry Team wishes to express much gratitude for the Outreach Grant. This investment is already at work helping to underwrite the costs of making this important housing a reality!

There is still much work to be done to build greater awareness of the need for this housing, obtain needed city approvals, raise capital to build the building, and determine the onsite service provider that will help these young adults set and reach their goals for independent living.  Yet, St. Stephen’s has already helped to plant the seeds that will bear fruit in the lives of the youth who will live at Aster Commons.

For more information or to join in this important work, please contact parishioners Jackie Sullivan or Marillene Allen through the church office at Or, tune into Beacon Now, a weekly virtual session held each Wednesday from 2:00-2:30 PM. Throughout the month of May, these sessions will focus on Aster Commons. Find a session that works for your schedule by visiting