Welcome to the video library for our Sunday morning Adult Formation program, Compass. Please note: Not all Compass sessions have been recorded so you may find that some sessions in a series are not available.
2025 Compass Sessions
Faithful People in Difficult Times Lenten Series
Celtic Christianity Series
- Celtic Christian Practice: Work and Retreat (Feb 23)
- Celtic Theology: Earth, Sea & Sky – Part 2 (Feb 16)
- Celtic Theology: Earth, Sea & Sky – Part 1 (Feb 9)
- Praying with the Celts (Jan 19)
- Angels & Thin Places (Jan 12)
2024 Compass Sessions
Host of Angels Series
Wisdom Series
Voting Matters Series
- Part 5: Love Matters (Nov 3)
- Part 4: Justice Matters (Oct 27)
- Part 3: Truth Matters (Oct 6)
- Part 2: Freedom Matters (Sept 22)
- Part 1: Worldview Matters (Sept 15)
Life, Death & Water: Water Imagery in the Bible (Apr 14)
Patrick: Saint of Ireland, Fellow Traveler (Apr 7)
Lenten Series: How to Pray Like Jesus
- Part 5: Lead Us Not into Temptation (April 28)
- Part 4: Forgive us our Trespasses (Mar 17)
- Part 3: Give us this Day (Mar 10)
- Part 2: Hallowed be Your Name (Feb 25)
- Part 1: Our Father (Feb 18)
Series: The Undiscovered World in the Words We Say
The Astrologers’ Quest: The Wise Men and God’s Revelation to the Gentiles (Jan 7)
2023 Compass Sessions
Advent Series: The Separation of Church and Calendar
Series: Being Human
- Priesthood in Our Beings (Nov 12)
- Goodness in Our Beings (Nov 5)
- Freedom in Our Beings (Oct 29)
Lenten Series: Walking Through the Wilderness
- The Wilderness and the Holy Spirit (Mar 12)
- The Wilderness and Bad Decisions (Mar 5)
- What is the Wilderness? (Feb 26)
Epiphany Series: Light to the World
Light to Simeon and Anna in the Temple (Jan 15)
Light to The Shepherds and the Heavenly Host (Jan 8)
2022 Compass Sessions
Advent Series: Glory, Gabriel & God Incarnate
Gabriel: Messengers from Another Realm (Dec 11)
Glory: The 500-year Wait (Dec 4)
Easter Series: Jesus’ New Journey
Part 2 (May 8)
Part 1: From Death to Life (Apr 24)
Lenten Series: Jesus’ Final Journey
Jericho: the Blind Man and Zacchaeus (Apr 10)
Garden of Gethsemane: Judas and the Soldiers (Apr 3)
Judea: the Rich Young Man (Mar 27)