Compass: Tree Imagery in the Bible

Compass: Tree Imagery in the Bible

Join us for our final Compass session before the summer break when we’ll hear about Roots, Stumps, and Green Branches: Tree Imagery in the Bible.

Just as water imagery throughout the Bible is rich and profound, so is that of trees. In fact, the Bible begins and ends with trees, and trees are at the heart of God’s promise to restore all things. Focusing on five pivotal specimens, we’ll discover the significance of their roots, stumps, and green branches in God’s mysterious plan to rescue the creation. Guaranteed to unlock your inner arborist, this session will have you seeing trees in a whole new light.

Can’t join us in person on Sunday mornings? Compass is offered live on ZOOM. Sign up for our weekly emails to receive the ZOOM link and links to video replays of each session.

Adult Forum presents Compass

Compass, led by Joyce Denham, is our Sunday morning Adult Formation class in which we study the literature of the Bible as our compass for life. Compass is for everyone at St. Stephen’s, and beyond. Invite others! It’s a place to make friends, laugh, and stretch our minds, as Joyce unravels the narratives and poetry of the Bible to discover what they have to say to us today. No registration is needed.