Dwelling in Scripture: Miracles Series

Dwelling in Scripture: Miracles Series

Join Rev. Christy Stang for the third series in our Wednesday night Dwelling in Scripture bible study. These sessions are rooted in prayer and guided by discussion as we share our own experiences and reflections inspired by each sessions Scripture passage. If you’re looking for a more personal and conversational way to engage with Scripture in community, these sessions are for you.

All sessions will be held from 6:30-7:30 PM in the Youth Room. We encourage you to join us for dinner before this Bible Study! Community dinner is served from 5:45-6:30 PM.


Join us for a reflective conversations on miracles. Beginning in the Easter season, we’ll discuss Jesus’ miracles of walking on water and feeding thousands as we ponder how to live into the greatest miracle of Jesus’ resurrecting power in our lives. What does it mean for us to be in relationship with a miraculous God?

Series dates: 

  • April 30 – Jesus’ Resurrection
  • May 14 – Walking on Water
  • May 21 – Feeding of the Five Thousand