Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt

Our annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held following the 11 AM worship service on Easter Sunday! Weather permitting the hunt will be held outdoors on the church lawn. Please bring a basket or similar for your little bunnies to collect their eggs.


As we anticipate the joy of Easter morning and our annual Easter Egg Hunt, we invite YOU to be a part of the excitement by filling Easter Eggs for the children of the parish.

Plastic Easter eggs will be available for pick up at the church beginning Sunday, March 30. Eggs may be filled with small toys or individually wrapped pieces of candy or gum. We ask that eggs do NOT include candy with nuts or candy that isn’t wrapped.

Filled eggs can be dropped off in the church office during the week or to Missy on Sundays. Please return all eggs by Palm Sunday, April 13th.

Questions? Contact Missy Greene, Minister for Children & Families at mgreene@ststephens.com.