We love being together on Wednesdays as much as we do on Sundays! If you are new to St. Stephen’s Church, know that you are welcome to join in any of our Wednesday activities at any time.
9:00 AM // Morning Prayer Online
on Facebook Live
10:10 AM // Adult Bible Study
Join Fr. Tom on ZOOM each week for a lively Bible Study. If you are new to the study, contact Fr. Tom at tcook@ststephens.com to learn more and sign up to get the Zoom link.
5:45-6:30 PM // Community Dinner (All Ages)
- MENU: Teriyaki Chicken with Stir-Fried Vegetables on Noodles, Garden Salad, Fruit, & Dessert
- COST: $5/individual or $20/family of 4+
- VOLUNTEER: We are looking for volunteers to help serve Wednesday dinners! No cooking or dishwashing required and no previous experience is needed. The shift runs from 5:15-6:30 so you may easily serve and particiate in other evening activities.
6:30-7:30 PM // Dwelling in Scripture Bible Group: Psalms
meets in Youth Room, Entrance: Doors 1 & 8
6:15-7:30 PM // Middle School Youth Group (6th-8th Grade)
meets in the Youth Rooms, Entrance: Doors 1 & 8
6:30-7:30 PM // Quest Kids (K-5th Grade)
meets in the Children’s Ministry Rooms, Entrance: Door 8
7:00-8:30 PM // Parish Choir Rehearsal
meets in the Chancel, Entrance: Door 2
7:00-8:00 PM // Martyrs Men’s Group
meets in the Commons Room, Entrance: Door 9
8-10 PM // Youth Broomball Tournament — see all the details here!