Weekly Wednesday Schedule

Something for everyone!

Weekly Wednesday Schedule

Something for everyone!

We love being together on Wednesdays as much as we do on Sundays! If you are new to St. Stephen’s Church, know that you are welcome to join in any of our Wednesday activities at any time.


9:00 AM // Morning Prayer Online
on Facebook Live

10:10 AM // Adult Bible Study
Join Fr. Tom on ZOOM each week for a lively Bible Study. This year’s theme is Born of the House of David. The group will reflect on ancient Israel’s beloved king in Scripture, Psalms, and the Gospels. If you are new to the study, contact Fr. Tom at tcook@ststephens.com to learn more and sign up to get the Zoom link.

5:45-6:30 PM // Community Dinner
in the Gathering Space, Entrance: Door 8

    • MENU: Pizza, Breadsticks, Garden Salad, Fruit, and Ice Cream Sundaes
    • COST: $5/individual or $20/family of 4+
    • VOLUNTEER: It takes volunteers to make our Wednesday dinner’s happen! Help with greeting and serving from 5:00-6:30 PM. No experience necessary! You may sign up for one or more weeks.

6:30-7:30 PM // Ugly Sweater Party!
in the Gathering Space, Entrance: Door 8

7:00-8:30 PM // Parish Choir Rehearsal
meets in the Chancel, Entrance: Door 2

7:00-8:00 PM // Martyrs Men’s Group
meets in the Commons Room, Entrance: Door 9