Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative

Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative

Creating More Equitable Communities Where All People Have a Home

As an interfaith collaborative of 100+ congregations from across the Twin Cities metro, the Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative brings faith community efforts together to achieve more than we ever could separately. Each congregation brings unique strengths, perspectives, resources, and passion to the vision.

Our parish partnership with Beacon began in 2014 when a group of our parishioners became impassioned after learning that, on any given night, 200-300 homeless young adults live in the southwest suburbs.  Our parish has been committed to helping reduce homelessness in our community ever since.

Our first project with Beacon was the development of 66 West Apartments which now provides supportive housing for 39 young adults who have experienced homelessness. Since then, our partnership has expanded and our community now serves in a variety of ways supporting this collaborative mission.

SERVING LOCATION: Serving locations vary with each opportunity.

TIME COMMITMENT: Volunteering is flexible based on your schedule, interests, and availability.


  • Affordable Housing Education & Research: Beacon offers quarterly training on issues related to affordable housing and public policy. In addition, discussion guides and planning sessions are available to aid those who feel called to meet with public officials to explore issues of homelessness and affordable housing developments.
  • Contacting Minnesota Legislators: There are many opportunities for you to contact Minnesota legislators or other public officials about upcoming bonding, affordable housing solutions, and/or policy issues. Let us know if you wish to be notified and we will add you to our email list. Beacon provides suggested scripts as well as links to identify legislators’ contact information.


  • Affordable Housing Education & Research: No
  • Contacting Minnesota Legislators: No

MINISTRY CONTACT: Contact those listed below through the church office,

  • Affordable Housing Education & Research: Marillene Allen
  • Contacting Minnesota Legislators: Cathleen Godsall