October 27, 2024 //
In concert with the Wardens and Vestry of St. Stephen’s Church, I am very pleased to announce the appointment of The Rev. Christy Stang as Associate Rector for Worship and Spiritual Life.
Christy has served capably and faithfully in ministry with St. Stephen’s Church for over two years, honoring her vocation and the life of this congregation. Her talents as pastor and preacher and her obvious love and care for the faith community are evident, and I am pleased she will be taking an even more engaging role in leading and serving this church.
As Associate Rector, Christy will be principally responsible for the planning and provision of worship, both for Sunday mornings and for other opportunities throughout the seasons of the church year. She will coordinate and serve worship lay ministries (Vergers, Acolytes, Altar Guild, etc.), manage sacramental life and planning for Baptism, Weddings, and Funerals. She will also continue her role in parish life planning and events with the staff of the church. Christy and I will continue as partners providing pastoral care, preaching, and teaching for the faith community.
St. Stephen’s Church is blessed by Christy’s ministry, and I know she feels the blessing that this community has been for her. I am grateful for her expanding role in our lives, and grateful for the care and support you provide for Christy and me as we serve God in your midst. Thanks to you, and thanks be to God.
Fr. Tom
The Rev. Tom Cook, Rector