We love being together on Wednesdays as much as we do on Sundays! Take a mid-week pause with us to refresh, reconnect, and reground in spirit and community.
9:00 AM Morning Prayer on Facebook Live
10:00 AM Adult Bible Study on ZOOM
Our Rector, Fr. Tom leads this study on a variety of topics. Details and links to the weekly meetings are shared via email. Sign up to receive ZOOM information by contacting Rev. Tom Cook.
5:45-6:30 PM Community Dinner in Gathering Space
Our Wednesday nights begin by eating and sharing life together. Menu details will be announced in the weekly e-news.
- COST: $5 per person or $20 for a family of 4+
- VOLUNTEER: Whether you can serve monthly, quarterly, or once a year, we need you! No previous experience is required.
6:15-7:30 PM Middle School Youth Group (6-8th) in Youth Rooms
6:30-7:30 PM Quest Kid’s Program (K-5th) in Children’s Rooms
6:30-8:00 PM Mom’s Group in Chapel (meets bi-weekly, see schedule for details)
7:00-8:30 PM Parish Choir in Chancel
7:00-8:00 PM Martyr’s Men’s Group in Commons Room
7:45-9:00 PM High School Youth Group (9-12th) in Youth Room
>> REGISTER FOR 2024/25 Children’s & Youth Ministry! <<
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