St. Stephen’s Church is blessed and energized by the enthusiastic joyful expressions of children and the exploration of our faith by our teenagers. Our ministries create imaginative and innovative opportunities for children and youth to worship, belong in a faith family, grow in their relationship with God, and learn how to serve and share God’s love with others. Our goal is to provide a fun and interactive environment. One where kids and teens are accepted, nurtured, and encouraged to experience the rich traditions of the Episcopal Church while building strong relationships with their peers and the committed adults serving in these ministries.
Children's & Youth Ministry
- Events
- 66 West Update
- Home
- Photo Directory Update
- 2024 Holy Cross Anglican School Mission Trip
- Guest Preachers
- Sacraments
- The Changing Landscape of St. Stephen’s
- Holy Cross Mission Update
- Compass Video Library
- Apply for Outreach Grants
- Holy Week & Easter
- Make A Pledge
- New Beacon Affordable Young Adult Housing Announced
- Casa Maria Winter Clothing Drive
- Loaves & Fishes April Service Day
- Vista 44 Groundbreaking
- About
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- Creation Care Fair Handouts
- Ash Wednesday
- I Want To…
- Safe Church Practices
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- Sunday Floral Donations
- Outreach Grantee: Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery
- Ministries
- Planned Giving
- Vista 44 Apartments Move-In Drive
- Advent
- Test Buttons
- Concerts by the Creek
- St. Stephen’s Launches New Concert Series
- Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery Drive
- Giving
- Updates
- Children’s & Youth Ministry
- Lent Madness
- Concerts by the Creek: Musician Bios
- More
- Summer Worship Opportunities
- St. Stephen’s Senior Newsletter
- Christmas Floral Donations
- Senior Ministry
- St. Stephen’s Job Openings
- Lenten Book Study
- Stephen’s Saints
- Outreach Grantee: Bluebirds & Blooms
- Drawn into Narnia
- 2025 Leadership Nominations
- Lent
- VBS 2024 ~ Stories by the Sea
- Come share in this thriving ministry!
- Family Bash Raffle
- Property Improvement Updates
- Outreach Grantee: Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative
- Bash After Dark 2024
- Vineyard Stewards Ministry
- Teens Encounter Christ (TEC)
- 2021 Outreach Grantee Spotlights
- Bash Auction Site FAQs
- Summer with St. Stephen’s Church
- Compass
- Outreach Grantee: Every Meal
- Adult Confirmation
- Envisioning the Future With St. Stephen’s Church
- Outreach Grantee: EpiscoBuilders
- Outreach Grants Awarded Over Summer
- Altar Guild
- Planned Giving
- VEAP School Supply Drive
- Sunday Greeters
- Lay Eucharistic Ministers
- Vergers
- Lectors
- Vestry Approves Sabbatical Schedule for Fr. Tom
- Ushers
- St. Stephen’s Mom’s Group
- April Creation Care Events
- VEAP Food & Fund Drive
- Weekly Worship
- Acolyte Ministry
- Wednesday Worship & Formation